Yeni nesil tcp ip denklemi olan ipv6 ya işletim sisteminizdeki ethernet bağdaştırıcısını geçirmek için aşagıdaki adımları izlemeniz gerekecektir start > run > cmd > C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>netsh netsh>interface ipv6 netsh interface ipv6>install Ok. devamında …
Its possible to configure a machine to map to a FTP server as a drive (for instance the Microsoft site) providing the machine runs both NetBEUI and TCP/IP. Perform the following: Perform a NSLOOKUP …
Create a new reg_binary value in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout called Scancode Map with values: 00000000 00000000 03000000 000037E0 00000054 00000000 (this kills both prtscrn & alt-prtscrn on US101 keyboards) Keyboard scan codes: