AnasayfaWindows ServerTime zone and daylight saving time changes for Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Turkey, and Fiji in Windows Time zone and daylight saving time changes for Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Turkey, and Fiji in Windows Windows Server 20 Ekim 2015 0 Hakan Uzuner Tweet Pin It Önerilen SBS Server 2003 R2 File Server Kurulumu 08 Nisan 2008 0 Windows Server 2003 Urun Aktivasyonu (Product Activation) 24 Mart 2009 0 windows management framework WMF 02 Şubat 2010 0 There is a problem with your Remote Desktop license 28 Aralık 2020 0 Yazar Hakkında Hakan Uzuner Yazara E-posta