Microsoft Azure üzerinde “Pay-As-You-Go” hesabı olan kullanıcılar için 13 Şubat’ tan itibaren geçerli olmak üzere Türk Lirası cinsinden fiyatların %19 artacağını açıkladı. Dolar kurundaki değişiklik nedeni ile yapılan bu güncelleme sonrasında özellikle aylık ödeme yapan firmaların aylık giderlerindeki bu değişikliği şimdiden planlaması iyi olacaktır.
Diğer üyelik modelleri için ise bu değişikliğin etkilerini aşağıdaki gelen maili okuyabilirsiniz;
Microsoft periodically assesses the impact of its local pricing of products and services to ensure there is alignment across markets and this change is an outcome of this assessment.
Microsoft will adjust prices for Pay-As-You-Go subscriptions on the Azure website available under the Microsoft Online Services Agreement (MOSA) and denominated in Turkish lira. Effective February 13, 2017, Azure prices will increase for Turkish lira by 19 percent to realign to global price levels.
Below is how this change impacts existing Azure customers.
Pay-As-You-Go subscriptions on the Azure website
Customers under the Pay-As-You-Go model enjoy the benefits of no minimum purchase requirements and have flexible pricing. For these customers, prices will change effective February 13, 2017. Customers purchasing Azure will see pricing at levels similar to customers purchasing Azure in other currencies, such as the United States dollar on the Azure website.
Prepaid subscriptions on the Azure website (retired for new customer sign-ups as of October 1, 2016)
For previously offered subscriptions, the prepaid amount, discount, and terms remain unchanged. Consumption rates will change effective February 13, 2017, to the new pricing on the Azure website.
Azure purchased via Open
Consumption rates will increase effective February 13, 2017, to the new pricing on the Azure website.
Azure in Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) program
This change does not apply to channel partners in CSP, as Microsoft does not bill to channel partners in Turkish lira in this program.
Enterprise Agreements (EA) or Enterprise Subscription Agreements (EAS), MPSA, or Server and Cloud Enrollments (SCE)
This change does not apply to channel partners in EA, EAS, MPSA, or SCE, as Microsoft does not bill to channel partners in Turkish lira in these programs.
If you have questions, please contact us.
Thank you,
Your Azure Team