Virtual Machine could not be started because the hypervisor is not running

Eğer birden sağlıklı çalışan Hyper-V sunucunuz çalışmamaya başlar ise bunu sebebi muhtemel 11 Ocak 2022 tarihinde yayınlanan yama kaynaklıdır. ilgili haber aşağıdaki gibidir;

Olay günlüklerinde aşağıdaki gibi bir hata görebilirsiniz

‘Virtual Machine Makine1’ failed to start.

‘Makine1’ failed to restore virtual machine state. (Virtual machine ID 95EBA98E-A1CVD-048C-ABCD-E2428B5E68AA)

Hyper-V-High-Availability – 21502

Virtual machine ‘Makine1’ could not be started because the hypervisor is not running (Virtual machine ID 95EBA98E-A1CVD-048C-ABCD-E2428B5E68AA). The following actions may help you resolve the problem: 1) Verify that the processor of the physical computer has a supported version of hardware-assisted virtualization. 2) Verify that hardware-assisted virtualization and hardware-assisted data execution protection are enabled in the BIOS of the physical computer. (If you edit the BIOS to enable either setting, you must turn off the power to the physical computer and then turn it back on. Resetting the physical computer is not sufficient.) 3) If you have made changes to the Boot Configuration Data store, review these changes to ensure that the hypervisor is configured to launch automatically.

Yada diğer hata kodları;

Source: Hyper-V-Hypervisor
Error ID: 80
Hypervisor launch failed; The operating systems boot loader failed with error 0xC00000BB.

Source: Hyper-V-VMMS
Error ID: 15350
The virtualization infrastructure driver (VID) is not running.

Source: Hyper-V-VMMS
Error ID: 15160
‘MACHINE NAME’ failed to restore virtual machine state.

Aslında çözüm çok basit, ilgili yamayı kaldırmanız ve windows update servisini bu yama güncellenene kadar kapatmanızdır.

Komut aşağıdaki gibidir;

wusa /uninstall /kb:5009624

Sunucuyu yeniden başlatın ve sanal sunucuların çalıştığını göreceksiniz.