Ay: Haziran 2010

Exchange Server 2007 SP3 now available

Exchange Server 2007 SP3 now available

Exchange Server 2007 SP3 is now available for download. The accompanying documentation includes: Release Notes and What’s New in Exchange Server 2007 SP3. Download link: https://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=1687160b-634a-43cb-a65a-f355cff0afa6&displaylang=en The key points are: Windows Server 2008 R2 Support …
Logon Type Codes

Logon Type Codes

Windows Server 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 işletim sistemleri üzerindeki event lara bakarsanız eğer 528 ve 540 nolu eventlar başarılı logon işlemlerini göstermektedir ( windows vista ve 2008 de bu event id 4624 ile …